Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Moment

The battle of body and mind continues and each day brings with it new challenges and newfound confidences.  Some challenges are, or appear to be simple, but winning still feels great.  For example, weeks of scratching mosquito bites and I finally remember the bug spray before we go down the hill to the beach!
However, I can get stuck from time to time because I get too wrapped up in myself and my challenges, that I loose sight of the big picture.  To elaborate, I unfortunately have more than a few people I care about who are struggling and in need of help right now and I feel helpless.  It is hard knowing that someone you care about is experiencing heartache and there is so little that you can do to help.  My heart and soul are all in, but my body will not cooperate and do what it is told.  I think this is the most frustrating of my circumstances.
Then my humility kicks in and I realize that I am really not all that important, they are surrounded by loved ones and friends.  My presence is not going to cure them, heal them or change anything really.  My heart and brain work fine, my body is far less significant in communication of love.  Being there for someone is doing for them what they need you to do, it is about them.  Let’s be honest my greatest gift has not been my body since I was twenty; it is my heart and soul others need from me now.  Not every challenge is a huge one, but the confidence and skills you can gain from each one is quite valuable.  
If we burden ourselves with what we are not able to do, it might leave us unable to do anything well.  Often times we focus on what we didn’t get done, or what we failed at, that we loose sight of the things we did well and allow ourselves the moment to feel good and celebrate life.

Take Home:
ü  You can only do what you can do, period.
ü  You can make a difference.
ü  Celebrate life for what it is and enjoy.