Monday, September 24, 2012

Feeling Like a Champ

For many a Sunday afternoon on the sidelines of their child’s soccer game is ordinary.  Not for this chick… 

I sat there looking around at the remarkably blue sky, the harbor in the distance and the sea of young boys running with all their might.  We were at the third field back at the local soccer fields and there I was sitting with everyone else.  The best part was my son’s face when he looked up and saw me sitting there; he beamed from ear to ear.  He gave me a slight wave and kept on with the game he loves so much.  At that moment everything was right in his world. 
This moment was very normalizing.  As I sat in my camping chair on the edge of the field, I looked like all the other Moms there.  Those who did not know me had no idea I was dependent on a wheelchair.  What an amazing feeling!  The only way I can explain it is as being surreal.  It was really as if the sky was bluer, the temperature was made to order and the children’s laughs were crystal clear. 
The experience gave me something of an electrical charge, ready to take on more.  Charged and ready to go I began cleaning house, both literally and figuratively.  Most significantly, I will fight to clear out negative thoughts about my future and walking.  I have proven to myself that nothing is predetermined and the doctors were wrong about me so far.  That is enough proof for me that they cannot give me a reliable prognosis.
This brings me back to a familiar motto for recovery, one day at a time.  I plan to take each day as it comes and see what I am able to get out of it.  If I have a “bad day” I will attempt to leave that in the past and try again with the gift of a new day.  I realize this sounds like a lofty goal, to stay in the day, but I am going to try!  

Some of the significant steps required pulling this off in the real world:
  •  Good appointment keeping
  •  A running To Do List
  •   Household management routines  (i.e., bills, transcribing appointments, organization)
  •   Track what you accomplish (in case you need to reference later)
  •  A good support network!

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