Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011…

Well, 2011 it has been a mixed bag, as is life, there are moments I care to forget but many more I will cherish for as long as I live. 
I am most proud of my amazing children who have made me feel able, lovable and strong.  How they made me laugh… my favorite?

It is fall and we have recently moved into our first house.  Referencing back to my psych days, I am very careful to ensure that I do all I can to make the transition from their home, the only one they know, to this new place we keep calling home.  They LOVE the new house…no transitions issues? Wow this is great.  Life would be boring if we didn’t mix it up a bit right?  So along comes the news, Mom needs to be in a wheelchair.  Again, careful of the kids’ mental health I contemplate how do we deal with this.  How do I tell them such a thing?  “Hey guys Mom’s got a new set of Wheels?”  “No, that won’t do.”   I inform the teachers, principle, the guidance counselor and of course the school nurse. Set up help for afterschool transport and the eyes of other parents until I get their on my pick-up days.  “That’s all set.”
So I now carefully consider how much they need to know, assure them their lives wont change much, let them know how many people we have in our lives to help pick up the slack, etc., etc.  

The wheelchair arrives, they knew I had fallen a bunch of times so they immediately accept the new adaptation with little reaction at all.  They go outside with a friend to play and I sigh with relief, just bought myself sometime to solidify my “presentation” to the boys!
But then go in to panic mode once again, “OK you really need to come up with what you are going to tell them now!  This is big shit you need to get this right! OK… OK… your main goal is make sure they don’t take on all this added weight of worrying about Mom.  Be strong! You can do this.”
THEN, looking out the window it is clear I have overanalyzed the whole thing!  There is Jack and his friend riding their bikes, and being the good kids they are they are wearing helmets and riding in the allowed areas.  AND  then there is JOELY, my wonderful and fun-filled Joely… In my wheelchair, helmet on and practicing wheelys up and down the street J

2011 you gave me so many memories, our first fire in the fireplace of our first home, having family and friends celebrate a wonderful Christmas, NOT NEEDING FLOOD INSURANCE J, a lifetime of friendships resulting in several people reaching out and providing strength to keep on, and who can forget the pounds I am leaving you with as I move toward 2012! 

2011, you can KEEP the following experiences as I move on:
ü  my multiple ER visits due to falling on my face
ü  the stress of buying a house
ü  the sound of idling diesel engines echoed by the ambulance bay
ü  my fear of the shower (although I think the tricked out bath might have been for his benefit…perhaps it was a less-than-subtle hint)
ü  my feeble body (PT last week, “your getting some serious guns!)
ü  Lastly, my BIG FAT ASS J



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