Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hello All:
Given this is my first official post I should give a little more background on my new blog.
I was once a professional woman with two little boys and my husband was a stay-at-home Dad.   I thought I was so successful in life.  My own Dad died when I was seven, my Mom was faced with unbelievable challenges of being left with seven children to raise alone.  She attended driver's ed at age 50 to get her license, she attending junior college to obtain business skills, got a job with the state, and made 10 grand in life insurance stretch so far she was able to help me with college!
Due to her own experiences, she pushed her five daughters to be independent women who could stand on their own two feet no matter what life threw at them.
Fast forward... I was the Mom of 2 beautiful little boys and had a management position in a field that helped others while also doing a job I loved and felt passionate about.  I was married to (still am) the best daddy I could ever hope for my children; staying home during the day spending good quality time with them and in the evening working in the same field, sometimes through the night to ensure we could make ends meet.
Then came the accident.  Life changed drastically and has been a roller-coaster (HATE EM) ride  ever since.   The first hurdle was getting a diagnosis, then to find treatment in the US, then the financial burden of medical bills,  then the dependancy on pain medications, all along the major challenge of preservation of every family members mental health, then the progression of my incurable disease with major loss in mobility, then the weight-loss battle (winning),  and recently my sentence to the chair... the wheelchair.
The story goes like this...
We finally found ourselves in a position to purchase our own home, we have always been renters.  The process was grueling but we came out of it with fairy-tale ending :0)
However, on moving day I had to go to the hospital and it was all downhill from there.  After several assessments and testing the result was I need to be in a wheelchair for life.  Say What!!!!!!
Today.  I am participating in aquatic physical therapy for increased strength, balance and mobility, the goal being independence through the use of a wheelchair.  Trying to learn how to live life in a wheelchair, what it takes to survive and how to set new "modified" goals for my future.
My overall goal for this blog is to entertain you while at the same time, shedding light on the process of change and adaptation not only to survive but to THRIVE, no matter what the burden may be.
Hope you enjoy...  


  1. Ok, I'm tuned in. You keep writing, I'll keep reading. In the meantime, if you need anything, you know how to find us.

  2. Love this idea! Are we still on for the mural as part of your treatment plan? Let's get together to chat ;)
